All products undergo regular quality controls in the Research & Development department at Kemper System. We commit ourselves to providing products and services that consistently exceed the requirements and expectations of customers within the construction and specialty chemical product industry.
The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system remains one of the most widely recognized environmental rating and certification systems for construction in the US. Many building owners opt to use LEED or similar rating systems to facilitate energy savings, improve quality of life in their buildings, and to recognize other benefits that environmentally conscious construction can offer.
Kemper’s products have been designed to meet a variety of needs including Environmental and Sustainability rating systems such as LEED. Our Technical Data Sheets (Link) contain information that is important to these rating systems; and proper product selection can help you achieve credits in many areas.
- Indoor Environmental Quality - Low Emitting Materials credits: Products with indoor applications such as KEMPEROL 2K-PUR and KEMPERDUR EP-FR have been tested for compliance with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard Method to ensure these products can contribute to a healthy and safe indoor environment.
- Building Product Disclosure and Optimization – Sourcing of Raw Materials: Polyurethane products such as KEMPEROL 2K-PUR, KEMPEROL 2K FR, and KEMPERDUR TC contain a high proportion of bio-based material which not only meet the requirements of the Mandatory Federal Purchasing requirements for bio-based materials, but can also contribute to the bio-based content requirements for LEED.
- Sustainable Sites – Heat Island Reduction: Many of our waterproofing membranes and coating systems are available in a highly reflective white, or other highly reflective colors designed to maximize the material’s Solar Reflective Index (SRI). These highly reflective products can offer significant and ongoing savings on air conditioning costs, and exceed the requirements for both low-sloped and steep-sloped roofs for LEED.
Products made from bio-based content have many advantages in regard to sustainability and environmental performance. These plant-derived materials make use of renewable resources, and have a much lower carbon-footprint than petroleum based alternatives. Federal law directs that all federal agencies purchase bio based paints and coatings as defined by the Department of Agriculture (USDA). The Bio Preferred® Catalog lists products that comply with the mandatory federal purchasing requirements.
Kemper System products that exceed the requirements of the federal standard:
- Polyurethane products including
- KEMPERTEC D & R Primers
- KEMPEROL 2K FR – Reflect White & Color Series
Kemper System America, Inc. commits itself to providing products and services that consistently exceed the requirements and expectations of customers within the construction and specialty chemical product industry.
To ensure the highest standard of both quality and environmental management; we have integrated the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards into an Integrated Management System (IMS) to ensure that that both of these elements are considered in planning, reviews and in our day-to-day processes.
Implementation of our IMS started in 2012 with an ISO 9001 Certified Quality Management System, the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System followed in 2013. This system was fully integrated in 2017 with the goal of ensuring ongoing conformance to the ISO standards, and increased employee awareness of both of these key areas.
Please find our Certifications and Integrated Management Policy Here

Over the last several decades, regulations regarding Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) have been successful at reducing smog in many cities, but the patchwork of regulations at the National, State and even County levels has often created confusion for anyone attempting to purchase or apply coatings. Kemper strives to stay ahead of these ever changing requirements to offer VOC compliant materials suitable for all applications. Our 2-component technologies offer ultra-low VOC options for roofing applications while many competing single-component alternatives release substantial VOC emissions while they dry.
In addition to emissions from product curing, there is an increasing focus to the long-term emissions from building products in indoor environments. To help provide peace of mind and to meet current LEED standards, Kemper has tested key products to the most widely accepted VOC emission standard for indoor applications; CDPH Standard Method V1.2.

Most Kemper products are designed for sale throughout North America, and all products have Safety Data Sheets available in English, French and Spanish. Product labeling complies with the GHS workplace safety labeling requirements throughout these markets. Detailed handling instructions within our product literature ensure that applicators they have the information they need for safe and effective application of Kemper materials.
Find each products safety data sheets here